Monday 24 April 2017

LO3: Creating production materials

LO3: Creating production materials 

I took the photo and then I used the greyscale tool in Adobe photoshop to soften the background.  I did this because it would emphasise the model's face so that in my magazine the eye would be drawn to her and not the surroundings.  This fits in with the DPS since I wanted to focus on each member of the duo while they were talking and making a point. My magazine is for young people who are interested in music and this picture is aimed at young people.
Front cover
I used a tool in photoshop which allowed me to put all the text into one colour.  I selected all the background which was white and used the razor tool to remove it. After this I selected the text using the same method and used the brush tool to convert the black to red. I started off with a smaller brush size so I didn't get all the text in one go and reselected all of the black and increased the brush to the largest possible size and did the same thing again.

For the contents page I took this photo of the band.  I cropped it using Adobe photoshop to get rid of the background. I also cropped it to get rid of an extra person in the shot. I did this so that attention would be focussed on the band and I resized the photo because I only needed a small photo for the contents page.
In this photo I crop and resize the photo. I crop out the other person in this picture and use the quick tool and fill it in the body that was still left with content fill. The picture need to be smaller so it fit on my content page.

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