Monday 24 April 2017

LO3: Following codes and conventions

LO3: Following codes and conventions
 Upload the following and justify why each one fits into the codes and conventions of a real magazine (similar to yours), genre and audience:
 ·       Photos you will use on each page of your magazine.
       Body copy for your DPS

How did you get together? 
Ashleigh : We formed at high school. I met Kyle in form where we just mess around. We met Lucy later on since she is in the year above so we met since I was friends with her boyfriend and we started talking and be found out we had a love of music. We have been best friends since. We first started playing at Lucy house just messing around and her mum was like that's good and then more and more we played and make songs together and then we like we are a band we need a name so that we start could start doing our YouTube channel. 

Are you writing any more music? 
Lucy: Yes we are always writing. I write every single day. I love music. I see something it can be anything I write lyrics.  
Most are never used since they’re never any good but 1 out of a 100 are good. We do band sand look at the songs we've written and make it.  

Which bands have inspired you? 
Ashleigh : A lot of band inspires us since we don’t like sticking to a style. We like to the freedom to write whatever we want rather than a set genre and stuck figuring what style we want to work in and what sounds right with the song. We always like to make it more personal so that we don’t get bored of that song like some songs in the charts and later we can be like that was my life at that point, like Adele with 19, 21 and 25.  

You said that a lot of bands inspire you so what music are you listening to in at the moment? 

Ashleigh : “Today I've been obsessed with Malibu because Miley Cyrus's voice is amazing. I already think that it will be my summer hit.” 

Lucy: “ I love the Vamps and I went to see them a couple weeks a go and now I keep listening to them in the middle of the night and they support new hope club fixed.

       The body copy for DPS interview of Calling Angels. The mode of address is peer to peer since it has restrictive code by the way that the artist is speaking due to it being an interview. There is no technical writing because the band want to reach a large number of people so that it can bring in new fans.

Screen shots of setting up Photoshop and InDesign for your pages.

This screenshot is for setting up Photoshop. I am using Photoshop for my front cover of my magazine. It has the Height of 215mm and 285mm comes from my proposal. I got the size from measuring Q magazine, which is a type of magazine that I want to create due to the fact that it doesn’t have an exact music type like Kerrang.

This screenshot is setting up my InDesign. I am using InDesign for my double page spread since it easier for writing and importing images that I need for double page spread. My double page spread has to be landscape since that's what every magazine does and the pages match. The size of 430mm by 530mm of the double page spread comes from my proposal. The measurements are from Q magazine because it is a music magazine that has different artists who do different music genres, which is exactly like my magazine.

Put each page of your final magazine next to a real one and add notes to show how you followed conventions of a magazine.
This is my front cover.  I've used a photograph of the lead singer of the Calling Angels as the Kerrang has used the lead singer of the Black Veil Brides on their front cover. I have the masthead on top like the Kerrang has done and I've listed all the other bands in the bands on the side as the Kerrang did.
Image result for content page

I followed the magazine protocol for contents pages by having pictures of the main features of the magazine in it. Q magazine has pictures of its main features too.  It also has lists of reviews and regular items and I have used this protocol too.
I have followed the double page spread protocol by mixing text and photos.  I have used the title of the band like Kerrang has done.  The difference between my magazine and Kerrang is that they used more photos than I did and I used more text.  I also used the protocol of questions and answers which Kerrang hasn't done.

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