Monday 24 April 2017

LO4: Client and focus group feedback

This shows the focus group was based around my target audience.
This shows that it was mainly females taking this survey. This is good because my target audience is female
This shows that the magazine receives an average rating of 4.25 out of 5.
This shows people liked the band interview, masthead, pictures and the information in the magazine.
The only negative comments from the survey is that the photo's should be dispersed throughout the magazine and that the text should be broken up from the large books.
The feedback show that my strength are the band interview, masthead, pictures and the information in the magazine. The only suggested improvements are increasing the interviews, to spread out the photos so that it look more space out and breaks up the texts so it doesn't become a book and to straighten out the social media line.

This is improvement that my client of SPH Publishing. The Publishing company said that my strong points are photography and the masthead and my interview. The Publishing company has also told me to add Headline to introduce the article and add main headline coverline. As well editing the columns size for my DPS.

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